


马航失联飞机 [The missing MH370 flight]

“现在我们也在盼来有消息,哪怕是一丁点好消息。” "We are waiting eagerly for news from the missing flight, even the slightest news."

“只要有一丝希望,我们绝不放弃搜救!” "China will not give up its efforts in searching for a missing Malaysia Airlines flight with 154 Chinese aboard, as long as there is a glimmer of hope."

“对于中国的航班安全工作,我们一直不敢放松,人命关天啊!” "We've never let up any effort in ensuring aviation safety. Human life is the most important."

反腐 [Fighting Corruption]

“中国党和政府反对腐败的意志和决心是一贯的……对于腐败分子和腐败行为,我们实行的是‘零容忍’。中国是法治国家,不论是谁,不论职位高低,法律面前人人平等,只要是触犯了党纪国法,就要依法依纪严肃查处、惩治。” "The Party and government are firm in fighting corruption with zero tolerance. China has the rule of the law. No matter who it is, how senior his position is, as long as he violates Party discipline and law, he will be severely dealt with and punished to the full extent of the law."

“对于社会公众高度关注的一些领域,比如像土地出让金收入、矿产权的转让等,我们要全面审计,要通过一系列的制度性措施,让权力寻租行为、让腐败现象无藏身之地。” "There will be a full audit in key areas like land transfer and mining rights so corrupt officials have nowhere to hide."

中国与周边关系 [China's diplomacy with neighboring countries]

“早在60年前,中国和一些周边国家就共同倡议和平共处五项原则。四邻周边有时候难免有磕磕碰碰的情况,但是只要我们相互尊重、管控分歧、互利互惠,碰出的应该是和谐的声音,而不是刺耳的噪音。” "As long as 60 years ago, China joined some of its neighbours and put forward the principle of 'peaceful coexistence.' When neighbors interact with each other, it is only natural that sometimes they will run into problems of some kind or another. As long as they respect each other, properly manage differences and pursue mutual benefits, there will be harmonious sound instead of jarring noises."

经济问题 [The Chinese economy]

“怎么办?遇万难还须放胆。当然,破困局要用智慧。我们保持定力,创新宏观调控的思路和方式,明确了经济运行的合理区间,就是增长和就业不能越出下限、通胀不能突破上限,而且着力促改革、调结构,让市场发力。正是在以习近平同志为总书记的党中央领导下,经过全国人民的共同奋斗,我们顶住压力,实现了经济社会发展的主要预期目标。” "We showed guts and wisdom, held our ground, and innovated. We ensured bottomlines for growth and employment, and upper limits for inflation. Under the Party and Xi Jinping's leadership, we faced down the pressure and met our targets."

“所谓磨好了斧子才能劈开柴。我想只要我们正视困难、直面挑战、趋利避害,就是遇事克难的成功之道。我们有去年应对经济下行的经历,中国经济又有着巨大的潜能和韧性,我们有能力也有条件使今年经济运行保持在合理区间。” "'Sharpened axe can cut firewood.' As long as we face our challenges squarely and exert our strengths and avoid risks, we will be able to keep economic growth at a reasonable rate."

中美关系 [Sino-U.S. relations]

“智者求同,愚者求异。” "Wise people seek common ground and the foolish focus on differences."

改革 [Reform]

“去年以来国务院开了40次常务会议,其中有30次是研究改革相关的议题,即使是其他议题我们也是在用改革的精神研究和推进的。其基本取向那就是让市场发力、激活社会的创造力,政府尽应尽的责任,让人民受惠。” "Out of 40 executive meetings of the State Council held in 2013, 30 have been related to reform. Our focus is to increase the vitality of the market and the creativity of society and to allow the people to benefit."

两岸关系 [Cross-Straits relations]

“两岸是手足同胞,一家人,此话可以说常讲常新。……去年两岸的媒体共同把“进”字作为两岸年度汉字。这个字可以说反映了两岸关系和平发展的趋势,也反映了两岸民众的期待。我也期待着在新的一年两岸关系有新的进展,再进一步。” "The people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are one family. Last year, the media on both sides chose the Chinese character for 'progress' for 2013. This is the development trend."

房地产举措 [Real estate measures]

“让人民群众住有所居,这应该是政府奋斗的目标。我们需要根据不同人群的需求,不同城市的情况,分类施策、分城施策。” "The government's goal is to make sure everybody has housing. We will take diverse measures according to the situations in different cities."

“在这方面,我认为干一寸胜过说一尺。” "Even one small action is more important than a thousand words."

向雾霾等污染宣战 [Declaring war on smog]

“我们说要向雾霾等污染宣战,可不是说向老天爷宣战,而是要向我们自身粗放的生产和生活方式来宣战。” "By declaring war on pollution, such as smog, we don't mean declaring war against nature. We will upgrade our growth model."

社会保障 [Social security]

“今年要着重继续做三件事,就是保基本、兜底线、促公平。” "We have three major tasks: 1) meet basic needs, 2) provide a safety net, and 3) increase social equality." 

